/* ===== pfod Command for Remote Light Switch ==== // modify the menu to just have an On/Off button and remove refresh pfodApp msg {.} --> {,<+4>~Porch Light`0~V1|A<+7>~ON / OFF} */ // Using ESP8266 based board programmed via Arduino IDE // follow the steps given on https://github.com/esp8266/arduino under Installing With Boards Manager // You need to modify the WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PASS settings below // to match your network settings /* Code generated by pfodDesignerV2 V2.0.2170 (c)2014-2016 Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. NSW Australia, www.forward.com.au This generated code may be freely used for both private and commercial use */ // This code also has a connection idle timeout. If there is no incoming data from the connected client, this code will close the connection after // the connection timeout time set in webpage config (default 15 secs). The prevents half-closed connections from locking out new connections. // Download pfodESP8266BufferedClient library from http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/pfodParserLibraries/index.html #include #include #include //Local DNS Server used for redirecting all requests to the configuration portal #include #include #include #include // Download pfodParser library from http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/pfodParserLibraries/index.html #include // V2.31 or higher int swap01(int); // method prototype for slider end swaps pfodSecurity parser("V3"); // create a parser to handle the pfod messages pfodESP8266BufferedClient bufferedClient; //#define DEBUG // =============================== extra library and definitions for push button =============================== // add DeboucedSwitch library #include // Download library from http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/ArduinoProgramming/DebouncedSwitch/DebouncedSwitch.html const int gndPin = 2; // supplies gnd for Opto pin 5 which will gnd GPIO0 opto fires // define push button const int pushbutton_pin = 0; // GPIO0 set as input ALSO grounded to program, so no faults is programming pin left place after programmin // define DeboucedSwitch DebouncedSwitch sw(pushbutton_pin, true); // monitor a switch on input pushbutton_pin, second ARG true -> expecing half wave AC input via opto-isolator // ===================================================================================================== const int portNo = 4989; // default TCP port to listen on for pfodApp connections. // =============== start of pfodWifiWebConfig settings ============== // update this define with the password from your QR code // http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/secureChallengeResponse/keyGenerator/index.html // leave pfodWifiWebConfigPASSWORD if you want an OPEN config access point NOT RECOMMENDED as anyone can see what you set for your network's password #define pfodWifiWebConfigPASSWORD "" // this sets the name of the Access Point you will see to configure your WiFi Network details #define pfodWifiWebConfigAP "Porch Light Setup" // note pfodSecurity uses 19 bytes of eeprom usually starting from 0 so // start the eeprom address from 20 for configureWifiConfig const uint8_t webConfigEEPROMStartAddress = 20; // add your pfod Password here for 128bit security // eg "b0Ux9akSiwKkwCtcnjTnpWp" but generate your own key, "" means no pfod password #define pfodSecurityCode "" // leave pfodSecurityCode empty for no pfod security. If No security the anyone with pfodApp can connect to the LightRemote IP and turn the light on or off. // see http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/ArduinoWiFi_simple_pfodDevice/index.html for more information and an example // and QR image key generator. // Network configuration Access Point started for 10min when power applied. // Light will flash while in Access Point mode // Exit Access point mode by either // a) Waiting 10 mins // b) Switching light wall switch // c) Completing Web config page and clicking on the Configure button // Light will turn off after access point mode exited. // the default to show in the config web page const int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC = 15; const byte DNS_PORT = 53; const char ROOT_IP[] = ""; IPAddress apIP(pfodESP8266Utils::ipStrToNum(ROOT_IP)); DNSServer dnsServer; ESP8266WebServer webserver(80); bool configWebserverStarted = false; // if true process config web server bool stopAP = false; // set to true if timed out or config complete or light switch operated uint32_t timeout = 0; const char *aps; // set the EEPROM structure struct EEPROM_storage { uint16_t portNo; char ssid[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_SSID_LEN + 1]; // WIFI ssid + null char password[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 1]; // WiFi password, if empyt use OPEN, else use AUTO (WEP/WPA/WPA2) + null char staticIP[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_STATICIP_LEN + 1]; // staticIP, if empty use DHCP + null } storage; const int EEPROM_storageSize = sizeof(EEPROM_storage); char ssid_found[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_SSID_LEN + 1]; // max 32 chars + null void readStorage(struct EEPROM_storage * storagePtr); void terminateStorage(struct EEPROM_storage * storagePtr); void writeStorage(struct EEPROM_storage * storagePtr); bool pfodStartConnection = false; // if true started connecting to WiFi network bool wifiConnected = false; // if true connected to WiFi network and pfod server started WiFiServer server(portNo); WiFiClient client; boolean alreadyConnected = false; // whether or not the client was connected previously // give the board pins names, if you change the pin number here you will change the pin controlled int cmd_A_var; // name the variable for 'Light is' 0=Off 1=On const int cmd_A_pin = 3; // name the output pin for 'Light is' void processSwitch(); void processSwitchChange(); void checkConnected(); unsigned long accessPointTimerStart = 0; unsigned const long ACCESS_POINT_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10mins after power on unsigned long connectionTimerStart; unsigned long CONNECTION_TIMER_PERIOD = 500; // half sec unsigned long CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 15000; // 15sec unsigned long timeoutTimerStart = 0; void handleNotFound(); void handleRoot(); void handleConfig(); void setupAP(const char* ssid_wifi, const char* password_wifi); void closeAP(); // the setup routine runs once on reset: void setup() { #ifdef DEBUG //Serial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_TX_ONLY); // does not work with Arduino ESP board library V2.2.0 needs V2.3.0+ // BUT V2.3.0 has WiFi connection problems so.. Serial.begin(115200); // works with Arduino ESP board library V2.2.0 Serial.println(); #endif EEPROM.begin(512); // only use 20bytes for pfodSecurity but reserve 512 (pfodWifiConfig uses more) // turn light on cmd_A_var = 1; pinMode(cmd_A_pin, OUTPUT); // output for 'Light is' is initially HIGH, Override RX setting from above digitalWrite(cmd_A_pin, cmd_A_var); // set output pinMode(gndPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(gndPin, 0); // set output LOW / GND supplies gnd for Opto pin 5 which will gnd GPIO0 opto fires for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) { // wait 10sec with fan on at start up to indicate sucessful reset on powerup #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(i); Serial.print(' '); #endif delay(500); } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(); #endif // <<<<<<<<< Your extra setup code goes here // start 10min access point timer accessPointTimerStart = millis(); setupAP(pfodWifiWebConfigAP, pfodWifiWebConfigPASSWORD); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { sw.update(); // call this every loop to update switch state processSwitch(); // this may increment configSwitchCounter if (configWebserverStarted) { dnsServer.processNextRequest(); webserver.handleClient(); if ((millis() - accessPointTimerStart) > ACCESS_POINT_TIME) { // close access point stopAP = true; } if (stopAP) { closeAP(); } return; } else if (!pfodStartConnection) { // start pfodServer to start startConnectingToWiFi(); connectionTimerStart = millis(); return; } else if (!wifiConnected) { checkConnected(); if ((millis() - connectionTimerStart) > CONNECTION_TIMER_PERIOD) { connectionTimerStart = millis(); //reset timer #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("."); // print connection progress #endif } return; } //else normal processing if (!client) { // see if a client is available client = server.available(); // evaluates to false if no connection } else { // have client if (!client.connected()) { if (alreadyConnected) { // client closed so clean up closeConnection(parser.getPfodAppStream()); } } else { // have connected client if (!alreadyConnected) { parser.connect(bufferedClient.connect(&client), F(pfodSecurityCode)); // sets new io stream to read from and write to EEPROM.commit(); // does nothing if nothing to do alreadyConnected = true; timeoutTimerStart = millis(); // restart timeout timer on each connection } uint8_t cmd = parser.parse(); // parse incoming data from connection // parser returns non-zero when a pfod command is fully parsed if (cmd != 0) { // have parsed a complete msg { to } timeoutTimerStart = millis(); // reset timer if we have incoming data uint8_t* pfodFirstArg = parser.getFirstArg(); // may point to \0 if no arguments in this msg. long pfodLongRtn; // used for parsing long return arguments, if any if ('.' == cmd) { // pfodApp has connected and sent {.} , it is asking for the main menu if (!parser.isRefresh()) { sendMainMenu(); // send back the menu designed } else { sendMainMenuUpdate(); // menu is cached just send update } // now handle commands returned from button/sliders } else if ('A' == cmd) { // user moved slider -- 'ON/OFF // in the main Menu of Remote Light Switch // toggle light i.e. turn off if on or on if off cmd_A_var = swap01(cmd_A_var); digitalWrite(cmd_A_pin, cmd_A_var); // set output sendMainMenuUpdate(); // always send back a pfod msg otherwise pfodApp will disconnect. } else if ('!' == cmd) { // CloseConnection command closeConnection(parser.getPfodAppStream()); } else { // unknown command parser.print(F("{}")); // always send back a pfod msg otherwise pfodApp will disconnect. } } } } // see if we should drop the connection if (alreadyConnected && ((millis() - timeoutTimerStart) > CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)) { closeConnection(parser.getPfodAppStream()); } // <<<<<<<<<<< Your other loop() code goes here } // called each loop void processSwitch() { // do switch changed first because it looks at fanSwitchOffTimerRunning to increment configSwitchCounter if (sw.isChanged()) { // debounced switch changed state Up or Down // toggle light i.e. turn off if on or on if off cmd_A_var = swap01(cmd_A_var); digitalWrite(cmd_A_pin, cmd_A_var); // set output // isChanged() is only true for one loop(), cleared when update() called again processSwitchChange(); // do other processing } } void processSwitchChange() { stopAP = true; // close access point if running } void checkConnected() { if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { return; } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); #endif // Start the server on configured portNo server = WiFiServer(storage.portNo); server.begin(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Server started"); #endif // Print the IP address #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); #endif // initialize client client = server.available(); // evaluates to false if no connection wifiConnected = true; } void startConnectingToWiFi() { readStorage(&storage); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("Start pfodServer")); #endif wifiConnected = false; // load the stored config WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // /* Initialise wifi module */ if (*(storage.staticIP) != '\0') { IPAddress ip(pfodESP8266Utils::ipStrToNum(storage.staticIP)); IPAddress gateway(ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], 1); // set gatway to ... 1 #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("Setting ip to: ")); Serial.println(ip); Serial.print(F("Setting gateway to: ")); Serial.println(gateway); #endif IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet); } WiFi.begin(storage.ssid, storage.password); // return here pfodStartConnection = true; } void readStorage(struct EEPROM_storage * storagePtr) { uint8_t * byteStorageRead = (uint8_t *)storagePtr; for (size_t i = 0; i < EEPROM_storageSize; i++) { byteStorageRead[i] = EEPROM.read(webConfigEEPROMStartAddress + i); } terminateStorage(storagePtr); } void terminateStorage(struct EEPROM_storage* storagePtr) { storagePtr->ssid[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_SSID_LEN] = '\0'; storagePtr->password[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_PASSWORD_LEN] = '\0'; storagePtr->staticIP[pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_STATICIP_LEN] = '\0'; } void writeStorage(struct EEPROM_storage * storagePtr) { terminateStorage(storagePtr); uint8_t * byteStorage = (uint8_t *)storagePtr; for (size_t i = 0; i < EEPROM_storageSize; i++) { EEPROM.write(webConfigEEPROMStartAddress + i, byteStorage[i]); } delay(0); bool committed = EEPROM.commit(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("EEPROM.commit() = ")); Serial.println(committed ? "true" : "false"); #endif } void closeConnection(Stream *io) { // add any special code here to force connection to be dropped parser.closeConnection(); // nulls io stream alreadyConnected = false; bufferedClient.stop(); // clears client reference WiFiClient::stopAll(); // cleans up memory client = server.available(); // evaluates to false if no connection } void sendMainMenu() { // !! Remember to change the parser version string // every time you edit this method parser.print(F("{,")); // start a Menu screen pfod message // send menu background, format, prompt, refresh and version parser.print(F("<+4>~Porch Light`0")); parser.sendVersion(); // send the menu version // send menu items parser.print(F("|A<+7>")); parser.print(F("~ON / OFF")); // Note the \\ inside the "'s to send \ ... parser.print(F("}")); // close pfod message } void sendMainMenuUpdate() { parser.print(F("{")); // nothing to update here parser.print(F("}")); // close pfod message // ============ end of menu =========== } int swap01(int in) { return (in == 0) ? 1 : 0; } // ============= end generated code ========= void closeAP() { dnsServer.stop(); webserver.stop(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // give ESP 10 sec to completely close down AP WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); delay(1000); } // turn off light cmd_A_var = 0; digitalWrite(cmd_A_pin, cmd_A_var); // set output configWebserverStarted = false; } void setupAP(const char* ssid_wifi, const char* password_wifi) { WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); // access point wifi mode aps = pfodESP8266Utils::scanForStrongestAP((char*)&ssid_found, pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_SSID_LEN + 1); delay(0); IPAddress local_ip = IPAddress(10, 1, 1, 1); IPAddress gateway_ip = IPAddress(10, 1, 1, 1); IPAddress subnet_ip = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("configure pfodWifiWebConfig")); #endif // if DNSServer is started with "*" for domain name, it will reply with // provided IP to all DNS request dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("Access Point setup")); #endif WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip, gateway_ip, subnet_ip); WiFi.softAP(ssid_wifi, password_wifi); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("done"); IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP(); Serial.print(F("AP IP address: ")); Serial.println(myIP); #endif delay(10); webserver.on ( "/", handleRoot ); webserver.on ( "/config", handleConfig ); webserver.onNotFound ( handleNotFound ); webserver.begin(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println ( "HTTP webserver started" ); #endif configWebserverStarted = true; } void handleConfig() { // set defaults uint16_t portNo = 80; uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000; // time out in 15 sec char tempStr[20]; // for rate,port,timeout if (webserver.args() > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG String message = "Config results\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += webserver.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += ( webserver.method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += webserver.args(); message += "\n"; for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < webserver.args(); i++ ) { message += " " + webserver.argName ( i ) + ": " + webserver.arg ( i ) + "\n"; } Serial.println(message); Serial.println(); #endif uint8_t numOfArgs = webserver.args(); const char *strPtr; uint8_t i = 0; for (; (i < numOfArgs); i++ ) { // check field numbers if (webserver.argName(i)[0] == '1') { pfodESP8266Utils::strncpy_safe(storage.ssid, (webserver.arg(i)).c_str(), pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_SSID_LEN); pfodESP8266Utils::urldecode2(storage.ssid, storage.ssid); // result is always <= source so just copy over } else if (webserver.argName(i)[0] == '2') { pfodESP8266Utils::strncpy_safe(storage.password, (webserver.arg(i)).c_str(), pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); pfodESP8266Utils::urldecode2(storage.password, storage.password); // result is always <= source so just copy over // if password all blanks make it empty if (pfodESP8266Utils::isEmpty(storage.password)) { storage.password[0] = '\0'; } } else if (webserver.argName(i)[0] == '3') { pfodESP8266Utils::strncpy_safe(storage.staticIP, (webserver.arg(i)).c_str(), pfodESP8266Utils::MAX_STATICIP_LEN); pfodESP8266Utils::urldecode2(storage.staticIP, storage.staticIP); // result is always <= source so just copy over if (pfodESP8266Utils::isEmpty(storage.staticIP)) { // use dhcp storage.staticIP[0] = '\0'; } } else if (webserver.argName(i)[0] == '4') { // convert portNo to uint16_6 pfodESP8266Utils::strncpy_safe(tempStr, (webserver.arg(i)).c_str(), sizeof(tempStr)); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("portNoStr:")); Serial.println(tempStr); #endif long longPort = 0; pfodESP8266Utils::parseLong((byte*)tempStr, &longPort); storage.portNo = (uint16_t)longPort; } } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(); printStorage(&storage); #endif writeStorage(&storage); } // else if no args just return current settings delay(0); struct EEPROM_storage storageRead; readStorage(&storageRead); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(); printStorage(&storageRead); #endif String rtnMsg = "" "" "" pfodWifiWebConfigAP "" "" "" "" "" "

" pfodWifiWebConfigAP "
WiFi Settings saved.

The WiFi "; if (storageRead.password[0] == '\0') { rtnMsg += "open "; } rtnMsg += "network "; rtnMsg += storageRead.ssid; rtnMsg += " will be joined in a few seconds"; if (storageRead.staticIP[0] == '\0') { rtnMsg += "
using DCHP to get the IP address"; } else { // staticIP rtnMsg += "
using IP addess "; rtnMsg += ""; rtnMsg += storageRead.staticIP; rtnMsg += ""; } rtnMsg += "

This device will be listening for pfodApp connections on port "; rtnMsg += storageRead.portNo; "" ""; webserver.send ( 200, "text/html", rtnMsg ); delay(2000); // give the websever time to send the result stopAP = true; } void handleRoot() { String msg; msg = "" "" "" pfodWifiWebConfigAP "" "" "" "" "" "

" pfodWifiWebConfigAP "

" "

Use this form to configure to set your Wifi network setting and the ip and port you want pfodApp to use when connecting.

" "
" "

" "
" "" "
" "" "

" "
" "" "

" "

" "
" "" "

" "

" "" "

" "










" "
" "" ""; webserver.send ( 200, "text/html", msg ); } void handleNotFound() { handleRoot(); } void printStorage(struct EEPROM_storage* storagePtr) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("portNo:"); Serial.println(storagePtr->portNo); Serial.print("ssid:"); Serial.println(storagePtr->ssid); Serial.print("password:"); Serial.println(storagePtr->password); Serial.print("staticIP:"); Serial.println(storagePtr->staticIP); #endif }