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pfodWifiConfig™ for LinkIt ONE
by Matthew Ford 18rh March 2015
(originally posted 3rd March 2015)
© Forward
Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. NSW Australia
All rights reserved.
This page describes how to use pfodWifiConfig to connect your LinkIt ONE to any Wifi network without re-programming. Two supporting Arduino libraries are needed pfodWifiConfig.zip and pfodWifiConfig_LinkItOne.zip
For a general description of pfodWifiConfigV1, see pfodWifiConfig. Read that page first before continuing here.
See Quick
Start for using pfodWifiConfigV1 Android App for how config using
the free Android app.
See Configuration
of pfodWifiConfig™ Wifi devices using Telnet for an example
of using telent to configure your device.
This section describes how to prepare your LinkIt ONE to use pfodWifiConfigV1. First read the pfodWifiConfig page for detail of how the system works.
First prepare the QR code that will contain the details of the temporary Wifi network that will be used to configure your LinkIt ONE. See pfodQRpsk for details on downloading and running the application.
Here is an example generated QR code.
sample image is shown below. The file name is pfodWifiConfigV1_the
generated key.PNG
The scanned text is from this image
That is
Network SSID: pfodWifiConfigV1
Password: plyWtEDk6uZ0yfmAEM5wMc
Connect to PortNo: 23
website: www.pfod.com.au
Generate your own QR image and attach it to your device and insert the password into your code (see below). This tutorial will use this QR image, and its password as an example.
You need to download and install two libraries, pfodWifiConfig.zip which contains all the common code and the pfodWifiConfig_LinkItOne.zip library which has the specialized code for LinkIt ONE. Install these using Arduino's Sketch → Import Library → Add Library function.
Under Examples →
pfodWifiConfig_LinkItOne there is an example file
the top of that file you will find the additional code needed.
Include the libraries
#include "pfodWifiConfig.h"
#include "pfodWifiConfig_LinkIt.h"
Add the settings for pfodWifiConfigV1
pfodWifiConfig_LinkIt pfodWifiConfig;
// =============== start of pfodWifiConfigionV1 settings ==============
// update this define with the password from your QR code
// http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/pfodWifiConfig/pfodQRpsk.html
#define pfodWifiConfigPASSWORD "CBP1JvFTJVeB7BTMGmVcRb"
// the ssid is pfodWifiConfigV1 and the port is 23 -- set by pfodQRpsk program
// note pfodSecurity uses 19 bytes of eeprom usually starting from 0 so
// start the eeprom address from 20 for configureWifiConnect
int eepromAddress = 20;
int wifiSetup_pin = 4; // name the input pin for setup mode detection D4
// =============== end of pfodWifiConfigionV1 settings ==============
These settings define the password (same one as in your generated
QR image) for the temporary pfodWifiConfig network.
The eepromAddress is the starting address in EEPROM where the user's network configuration will be stored. The static constant pfodWifiConfig::EEPROM_USAGE contains the maximum number of EEPROM bytes used by the library starting at eepromAddress.
The wifiSetup_pin is the digital input to check to see if we should start in configuration mode. If that pin is LOW, the sketch starts pfodWifiConfigionV1 otherwise it uses the configuration parameters stored in EEPROM to connect to the real network.
Then at the top of setup() add the following lines
//============ pfodWifiConfigV1 config ====================
// see if config button is pressed
pinMode(wifiSetup_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
if (digitalRead(wifiSetup_pin) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // show we are in setup mode
// connect to temporary wifi network for setup
// the features determine the format of the {set...} command
uint16_t ipSources = pfodFeatures::DHCP; // bit or these together pfodFeatures::DHCP|pfodFeatures::STATIC_IP if both are available
uint16_t security = pfodFeatures::WPA; // bit or these together e.g. pfodFeatures::OPEN | pfodFeatures::WPA
pfodWifiConfig.configureWifiConfig(eepromAddress, "pfodWifiConfigV1", pfodWifiConfigPASSWORD, 23,
pfodFeatures::SERVER, security, ipSources );
// configureWifiConfig never returns. Need to reboot afterwards
//============ end pfodWifiConfigV1 config ====================
This code sets the wifiSetup_pin as an input with a pullup and then checks if it is being held LOW (pulled to GND). If it is LOW then configureWifiConfig() is called to connect to the temporary pfodWifiConfig network using the settings which should match those in the QR code image and to start a server on listening on port 23 for the configuration message.
The pfodFeatures class (in pfodWifiConfig.h) defines the various constants for the mode, security and ipSources.
Version 1 defines a set of features a device may
support. For pfodWifiConfigV1 the possible features are:-
IPsource: DHCP|staticIP
NOTE: The call to configureWifiConfig() never returns. So the user needs to power cycle the device after configuration to run it normally.
Below this setup code add the lines
// else button was not pressed continue to load the stored network settings
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
//else use configured setttings from EEPROM
// use these local vars
char ssid[pfodWifiConfig::MAX_SSID_LEN + 1]; // allow for null
char password[pfodWifiConfig::MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 1];
char staticIP[pfodWifiConfig::MAX_STATICIP_LEN + 1];
uint16_t portNo = 0;
uint16_t security = 0;
uint16_t ipSource = 0;
byte mode = 0;
pfodWifiConfig.loadNetworkConfigFromEEPROM(eepromAddress, &mode,
(char*)ssid, pfodWifiConfig::MAX_SSID_LEN + 1, (char*)password, pfodWifiConfig::MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 1,
&security, &portNo, &ipSource, (char*)staticIP, pfodWifiConfig::MAX_STATICIP_LEN + 1);
server = LWiFiServer(portNo); // set correct portNo LWiFi.begin();
// keep retrying until connected to AP
while (0 == LWiFi.connect(ssid, LWiFiLoginInfo(WIFI_AUTH, password))) {
// etc ….... rest of setup() here
This code, and the rest of the sketch, is run if the wifiSetup_pin is not grounded (LOW). It calls loadNetworkConfigFromEEPROM() to load the user configured network settings from EEPROM and connect to their network.
The complete code for sketch is here. That is all that is required by the developer.
That's all that is required to connect your LinkIt ONE board to any user's network without re-programming it each time.
and pfodQRpsk™
are trademarks of Forward Computing
and Control Pty. Ltd.
is a trademark of Google Inc. For use of
the Arduino name see http://arduino.cc/en/Main/FAQ
The General Purpose Android/Arduino Control App.
pfodDevice™ and pfodApp™ are trade marks of Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd.
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