| pfodApps/pfodDevices
| WebStringTemplates
| Java/J2EE
| Unix
| Torches
| Superannuation
| About
The General
Purpose Android/Arduino |
They are all
completely created and controlled by the code in your Arduino or
other micro.
Click on an image to get more details about that
connects to Arduino101,
BBC micro:bit,
other BLE modules including Adafruit
Feather nRF52, ESP32,
RedBear Nano V2 and
V1, DFRobot
BLUNO, DFRobot Remo BLE, RFduino,
Itead BLE Shield,
Bluefruit LE Flora and
UART Friend,
Bluefruit LE SPI,
RedBearLab BLE Shield,
ESP8266 modules,
Classic Bluetooth e.g. Itead Bluetooth
Shield, SIM900
GPRS SMS shields, Adafruit
Feather WICED, Arduino Ethernet
shield, and others
the free pfodDesignerV3 Android
app for designing pfodApp menus and generating the Arduino code.
Check out the new free GUI
designer/Arduino code generator Android app
Also Brian's
YouTube series on using pfodDesigner and pfodApp
really great app but the underlying protocol is the real genius
behind the app.
Was able to develop a relatively sophisticated
interface for an arduino project in a short time with straight
forward code.
Just about any embedded micro project can benefit
from the interface that this app provides.”
Play review posted by Greg Brandt
BLE Connections: If pfodApp has trouble re-connecting to your BLE device, use the nRF Connect app to connect first. Deleting and re-creating the connection in pfodApp also works. Also check Tips for Connecting to BLE devices below.
Unleash the power of your Arduino or other micro project with pfodApp. Show people that you are not just playing with circuits but building useful devices, like a garage door remotes, dimmable room lighting, etc, that they can control from their Android mobile. This single pfodApp can control multiple devices each with different functions. pfodApp V3 add support for creating your own sophisticated controls, No android programming required.
Using pfodApp on an Andriod mobile, your users can read text prompts in their own language, send navigation commands, traverse menu hierarchies, choose from single and multi-selection lists, input numbers and text and plot and view data sent by your micro. You can send sensor readings to your mobile and have them plotted and saved in a file for later downloading to your computer.
The pfodApp does all of the Android stuff for you and remembers the menu hierarchy. You only need to code your micro to be a pfodDevice which responds to simple requests over Bluetooth, BLE or Wifi/Internet or SMS and sends back simple micro-pages in response. The controls, text and user choices displayed on the Android mobile by the pfodApp are completely determined by what you code in your micro. No Android coding is required. The pfodApp handles it all.
Wifi/Ethernet and SMS connections offer optional 128 bit security to guard against hackers connecting to or taking control of your device. See Challenge and Response Security for Internet connected pfodDevices for the details. An Arduino library, pfodSecurity, part of the pfod libraries, implements this 128 bit security on the pfodDevice. See A Simple WiFi/Arduino pfodDevice for example code and how to generate and load the 128 bit password. For details of SMS connection see this page.
Although pfodDesignerV3 handles all the coding for you, if you are interested in more detail on how pfod handles logical differences between connection types, Bluetooth, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), WiFi/Ethernet (TCP/IP), Mobile SMS and LoRa/Radio, see Design Considerations for pfod Links.
To download pfodAppTM V3.0 visit GooglePlay
This one
application controls all the pfodDevices below and any ones someone
else creates. You can even show menus in your own (non-english)
For instructions see the
Notes about Location permission usage on
Android V12+
does not and never has used or stored or sent any location
information. However prior to Android V12, Google insisted on pfodApp
requesting Location permission in order to make Bluetooth
connections. On Android 12+ it is possible to avoid
asking for the Location permission since pfodApp does not actually
use , store or send any location information. However pfodApp still
runs mobiles back to Android V4.4 and currently does not take
advantage of that aspect of Android V12. So for now on Android V12+
allow Location permission “While using the app” .
NOTE: Do not choose “Only this time”
because pfodApp only checks for permissions on start up not every
time it is needed. So choosing “Only this time” will
cause pfodApp to fail at some later time.
Since pfodApp still runs on old Android mobiles, V4.4+, you can re-purpose your old mobile as a dedicated controller/user interface for your projects.
See below for how to turn your micro processor project into a pfodDevice that can be controlled by this pfodApp. You can also just connect to your PC via bluetooth or wifi to test out how your micro-pages will be displayed on the pfodApp and what message will be returned when the users makes selections. See Serial Bluetooth Connections from your Mobile Phone to you PC for details on making bluetooth connections from you mobile to Window, Mac and Linux.
For BLE connection problems see Tips for Connecting to BLE devices below and Help pfodApp has stopped working when I changed phones / recreated the connection. For Classic Bluetooth connection problem see this page.
To convert you micro processor project to be pfodDevice, check out these links. None of these require Android programming. All of them use the one same pfodApp on their mobile
Automation –
Rain Gauge for Beginners – A Bluetooth Low Energy Rain
Gauge. Runs for years on 2 x AA batteries.
Door Bell for Beginners – A
Bluetooth Low Energy Door Bell and Monitor and WiFi extension
suitable for beginners
Lights – Turns
light on, if it is dark, when anyone enters and off when they leave.
Suitable for beginners.
Rain Sensor and BLE Window/Door Open Detector – Sound
Alarm if there is a window open when it starts raining.
Led Light Switch – 2023 – Retrofit existing light
switch with Android BLE remote control. Controls up to 200W
High Power Light Switch - 2023 – Retrofit
existing light switch with Android BLE remote control. for Hallway
switches and higher wattages.
Led Light Switch – 2023 and
High Power Light Switch – 2023
these previous BLE light switch projects:-
Controlled Light Switch – 2017, BLE
Power Control with pfodApp
Night Lights – Lights
turn on at Dusk and off at Dawn using an external BLE ambient light
Temperature sensor Controlled Room Heater, Android
Controlled IR Remotes, Remote
control of Light, Power Switches and Fans.
Remote Control Power Switch – Very simple, suitable for
beginners. Switches all common household devices from 5V (100mA) UBS
to 240VAC 10A / 110VAC 16A heaters. Also has a low voltage low
current version. Option to control this Power Switch by a remote BLE
sensor (temp/RH/lx)
life battery powered wireless remotes
Timer Switch – Suitable for beginners. This Power Timer
turns low voltage devices on/off at set times during the day. Keeps
accurate time and handles time zones and daylight saving changes
without re-programming. Uses webpages instead of pfodApp. Also see
Pump Control using this Timer Switch
Real Time Electricity Cost and Reprogramming with Arduino IDE
– Shows
how to program IoTaWatt using Arduino IDE and remove any WiFi
settings and how to plot the Electricity cost in real time.
from Excess Solar – How to store excess solar cell
generation in the hot water tank.
DIY IoT devices to the Internet with pfodApp
– How
to connect at home and away using the same Connection
Arduino GUI designer/code generator – Use the drawing package running on an ESP32 to design your custom GUI components and generate the Arduino class files. Position and scale the components to build you complete user interface. Uses any Android mobile upto 8 years old and pfodApp. No Android Programming
to Display Arduino Data on Android, for Beginners –
NO Coding Required. No Android Programming and No Arduino
Programming. This tutorial shows you how to use the pfodDesignerV2
and pfodApp
to create custom menus to plot and log Analog reading, display Analog
readings and the state of a Digital inputs and control PWM outputs
and set/pulse Digital Outputs. All the Arduino code is generated for
you by pfodDesignerV2. pfodApp connects to your Arduino and displays
the menu and lets you interact with your Arduino. The Arduino 101
board is used as an example but many other boards are supported.
high speed data logging and plotting see Remote
High Speed Data Logging using Arduino/GL AR150/Android/pfodApp
high accuracy data logging and plotting see High
Accuracy Remote Data Logging using Multimeter/Arduino/pfodApp
date and time plots using only Arduino's millis() function, see
Date and Time using millis() and pfodApp
high speed, long duration data logging, i.e. 2K samples/sec for 30
days, see High
Frequency, Long Duration Datalogging with remote control via
Teensy3.2 and SD Card
Simple Home Automation for Beginners – Android/Arduino menus for switching things on and off. Absolutely No Programming Required. This tutorial shows you how to use the pfodDesignerV2, pfodApp, Arduino Uno, a bluetooth module and a relay shield to switch things on and off in your home from custom menus on your Android mobile with out writing any code at all. It also covers choosing relay modules to add to your Arduino board.
How to connect your DIY IoT (Internet of Things) device to the Internet – How to use the same connection at home and away.
How to add a Relay to Arduino – This page covers how to choose which relay to use and how to interface it with your Arduino board.
Single Click Control – This page covers how turn devices on and off with one click on the mobile's main screen board.
Design Custom menus to switch Arduino outputs on and off – Absolutely No Programming Required. This tutorial shows you how to use the pfodDesignerV2 to design custom Android menus to switch things on and off with no programming required. The pfodDesignerV2 app takes you though building the menu on your mobile and then generating all the Arduino code needed to show that menu via pfodApp and switch things on and off.
to make an Arduino output pulse controlled from your Android Mobile
– Absolutely
NO programming required.
tutorial generates ALL the Arduino code necessary to pulse an output
pin for a specified time, controlled from your Android Mobile via
pfodApp. The example here is to have an Arduino driven relay simulate
pushing the Garage Door open/close pushbutton.
Control your Uno from your mobile – This is a simple and inexpensive (~US50.00) quick start to controlling your Arduino Uno from your Android mobile. Lets you change digital pins from inputs to outputs to PWM and lets you read analog inputs. All from your Android mobile via bluetooth.
Custom Graphical Interactive Controls – For more sophisticated custom controls via interactive graphical components, see this tutorial. Also see the latest Arduino GUI designer/code generator tutorial.
LoRa/Radio Long Range Garage Door Controller – A point-to-point LoRa in-car remote control and garage door receiver. 128bit security and indication the door has reached the required position. The door can also be controlled from your Android mobile, via a WiFi to Radio bridge, with a visual display of the door's position
LoRa/Radio Remote Control Android Code Generator – Control from your Arduino via LoRa. No Coding Required. Includes an Android to LoRa bridge using an ESP32 (WiFi or BLE or Bluetooth)
BLE (Flamewheel robot) – How
to make custom robot controller Android apps with pfodApp. No
Android coding required.
Motor Speed control library – A
stepper motor speed control library with an example menu driven
interface to set home and position limits and run the motor.
Using BLE boards with pfodApp/pfodDesignerV3 – how to use/program various BLE boards
High Speed Remote BLE Data Logging and Plotting using Arduino NANO 33 BLE. No Android programming required – Plot and log data on your mobile from your Arduino NANO 33 BLE at ~100Hz.
Very Low Power BLE programming via Arduino - 2022 – program nRF52 devices from Arduino to use <100uA while connected and sending data. Use pfodDesigner to generate very low power sketches to display menus and plot and log data in pfodApp. Part 2 – A Very Simple, Very Low Power Temperature Monitor covers using just a minimal nRF52 module and a coin cell to build a temperature monitor that runs for 5 years. Part 3 – An Indoor / Outdoor Weather Station covers extending the very low power temperature sensor to add a sensor for temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure and display the values on a Weather Station. The sensors run for ~4 ½ years
problems and solutions – Some
solutions to common problems with using BLE for general
WiFi to BLE Bridge – Provides
WiFi connection to your BLE projects
Board ESP32 C3 BLE to WiFi Bridge –
a simpler/cheaper WiFi connection to your BLE projects
Controlled Light Switch – Retrofit
existing switch with BLE Nano for Android remote control.
Controlled Loads – Retrofit
existing switch with BLE Nano for Android remote control of high
power, kilowatt loads.
33 BLE (and WiFi) – Also
see High Speed
NANO 33 BLE Charting and Logging
Bluefruit Feather nRF52 LE
101 / Genuino 101
Bluefruit LE UART Friend and Flora LE
Bluefruit LE SPI Boards –
Bluefruit LE Shield, Bluefruit LE Micro, Feather
32u4 Bluefruit LE, Feather M0 Bluefruit LE or Bluefruit LE SPI
BLE shield and HM-10 modules
BLE shield
BLE Nano V2 and BLE
Nano (V1-1.5)
micro:bit using Arduino IDE
BLE (Flamewheel robot)
BLE boards / software stacks deliver the same cmd twice in quick
succession. Update to pfodApp
V3.322+ and pfodParser
V3.17+ to solve this. pfodApp V3.322+ adds a cmd sequence number and
pfodParser V3.17+ filters out duplicate cmds.
micro:bit using C++
micro:bit C++ coding with pfodApp and pfodDesignerV2 –
custom Android menus to control the BBC micro:bit, NO
Android or C++ Programming required
up the C++ off line compiler
Started with micro:bit C++
Adafruit WICED (No Coding Required)
code generator for BLE, WiFi and Bluetooth connections
– How to
use the free pfodDesigner to create pfodApp menus and then generate
the code for ESP32
Connections to a ESP32 based pfodDevice – How
to connect more than one pfodApp to your ESP32 pfodDevice.
Speed ESP32 – How
to get a high speed loop() (10's us) and still have wifi
BLE to WiFi Bridge – How
to connect BLE to WiFi (webpage or pfodApp or terminal)
/ ESP8266 Auto WiFi Config – How
to connect to your local network without reprogramming.
/ ESP8266 Auto WiFi Config – How
to connect to your local network without reprogramming.
Programming Tips (espcomm failed) –
on how you get your ESP8266 to program.
WiFi to BLE Bridge – Use
HUZZAH ESP8266 to provide WiFi connection to your BLE projects
NMEA/AIS Hub to Wifi Bridge –
to Wifi Bridge for Onboard Use
Controlled Garage Diesel Heater –
truck diesel heater for the garage with WiFi remote control and
fuel/air flow/air temperature monitoring.
AutoLocking Door – Controlled
and monitored by pfodApp
Timer Switch – Suitable
for beginners. This Power Timer turns low voltage devices on/off at
set times during the day. Keeps accurate time and handles time zones
and daylight saving changes without re-programming. Uses webpages
instead of pfodApp
and ESP-01S using Led and Pins and extra I/O – How
to program the ESP-01 and use the led and pins. How to use GPIO0,
GPIO2 and how to get an extra I/Os using GPIO0/GPIO2 Tx/Rx
Cheap and Simple WiFi Shield – Uses
Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 as UART-WiFi bridge with push button web page
configuration. No re-programming required to set or change WiFi
network parameters and DHCP/StaticIP and port numbers.
Simple WiFi Shield – Similar
to above but using ESP8266-01 as
UART-WiFi bridge with push
button web page configuration. No
re-programming required to set or change WiFi network parameters and
DHCP/StaticIP and port numbers.
OLIMEX menu generator – No
coding required. Using an ESP8266 as the complete micro solution with
a WiFi connection. No additional Arduino board required.
OLIMEX Garage Door Opener with Position Sensor
– Uses
OLIMEX EVB board with built in relay to open/close garage door. Adds
ADXL335 accelerometer to measure position of the tilt-a-door.
Secure, Internet Power Switch with Manual Override
– Uses
OLIMEX EVB board with built in relay to provide an IoT
Extension Cable Inline Switch, Android controlled by
Fan Timer Retrofit – Uses
an ESP9266-01 to retrofit a timer to a bathroom fan. Includes manual
override off and web page for setting up. (Does
not use pfodApp)
House Lights with WiFi - keeping existing wall switch
– Uses
an ESP9266-01 and pfodApp to retrofit existing Light with remote
control while keeping the operation of the existing wall switch.
Non-Arduino based microprocssors (e.g. PIC, STM32 etc)
control of Non-Arduino based micros using pfodApp –
library, a C/C++ compatible library for use with non-Arduino base
microprocessors with detailed PIC examples
STM32/BluePill using Arduino IDE –
ways to program STM32F103C8 (“BluePill”) board via
Reliable, Secure, Customizable 3G/2G SMS remote control (Arduino/pfodApp) – This is an example of using pfodApp's SMS connection to control a Hot Water service using a SIM5320 3G/2G GPRS board. The pfodDesignerV3 generates all the code you need to do this. NO coding required!
In March, 2019, Google Play started removing apps that included SMS permissions. Apps can apply for exemptions but Google Play rarely grants them. Although pfodApp provides a legitimate use of SMS for connecting to pfodDevices over 2G/3G SMS networks, Google Play refused to host pfodApp with SMS capabilities. pfodApp still supports SMS, but the version available from Google Play has it disabled. If you want to control your devices via SMS, or you want to update your existing pfodApp to the latest version, but including SMS support, then install pfodApp from Google Play and then contact pfod.com.au via support email to obtain pfodApp with SMS support.
the Power and Efficiency of a Wood Gas Stove (Nano/pfodApp)
– In this
project Ian used pfodApp to log and plot data to test the efficiency
of a Wood Gas Stove for Engineers Without Borders
Control of an on/off device from your Android mobile
– This minimal sketch lets you turn an
Arduino output on/off with a single click from your Android mobile's
main screen. Just attach a relay to drive your hardware.
to switch an Arduino output on and off from your Android mobile
– This example follows on from Arduino for
Beginners and provides a simple sketch which can be used as a basis
for your own projects controlled from a Android mobile.
menus for pfodApp and pfodDevices – How
to code messages in Your Own (non-English) Language for pfodDevices
using Arduino and other micro-processors.
Controlled Robotic Arm and
Programmable Arm Path– Updated
August 2015 Control
your MeArm from your Android mobile using pfodApp.
LCD controller using pfodApp™ –
This outlines how one user used pfodApp to control
his SAMGSUNG LCD TV and stereo system.
IR + TypeK Temperature Meter (Arduino) –
series of projects builds up to a rechargeable, battery powered, data
logging, IR and Type K temperature meter that is controlled from your
Android mobile.
Mobile Data Logging and Plotting (Arduino) –
This is a simple example of how to log data on
your Android mobile from your Arduino board. Also see Remote
High Speed Data Logging using Arduino/GL AR150/Android/pfodApp
Simple Wifi/Internet pfodDevice with 128bit security (Arduino)
– This
is a simple example of connecting Arduino via wifi and adding 128bit
controlled KnightRider Lights – This
shows to results of converting an RF controlled KnightRider Lights to
be a pfodDevice with much improved options and control. (YouTube
link updated for multi-coloured V7 pfodApp control is about 5mins
into the video, 10th
Mar 2013)
Car Entry – This
uses pfodApp and Arduino to open the car doors, not just unlock them
but actually open them.
controlled Robotic Lawn Mower – (See
this YouTube
of pfodApp/robot in action) This
site describes how to build a robotic lawn mower . They use pfodApp
to show Status Information (battery voltage, charge current, etc.),
set mowing times, etc. and for Remote control (start / stop, OFF of
of mower blade modulation, etc.)
Load Control on an Off The Grid Power System –
This outlines how one user controls the load on
his Of the Grid Solar Powered home using pfodApp to configure the
settings and monitor state.
Climate Control – This
outlines how one user controls his home environment using pfodApp to
configure the settings and monitor state.
Power Switch – WiFi/Internet
controlled Dual Power Switch with Manual Override and Memory
controlled Led Driver – This
project lets you control the led brightness from your Andriod phone.
It is also an introduction to pfodDevices and pfodApps.
controlled Garage Door Remote (Arduino) – This
is a simple project that converts an Arduino Uno into a remote garage
door open controlled from your Android phone. No Soldering required.
Uses a simple command parser.
controlled LCD/LED display (Arduino) –
This project
lets you enter text on your Android phone and have it displayed on a
LCD/LED Matrix display. No Soldering required. Includes a complete
pfod message parser.
controlled Lights and Power (Arduino) –
This project
lets you switch your lights and power points on and off from your
Arduino libraries that will parse the pfod messages sent by pfodApp are available.
When you change phones and re-install pfodApp on your new phone, you will need to re-create the connection to your pfodDevice. If you find pfodApp is now just repeatedly re-connecting, then open the new connection you have just created and set the “KeepAlive in Seconds” to 0 AND un-tick the “Request pfodDevice time {@}” option, as shown below
Also make sure the old mobile is switched off so it is not holding the connection and preventing the new mobile connecting.
The pfodApp connection will now operate as it did in your old version.
By default,
new connections on the latest versions of pfodApp, send a 'Current'
time request, {@} on connection AND send KeepAlive cmds, { }, every
5sec when idle.
The pfodSpecificiation
says ALL un-recognized commands must be responded to, to prevent the
connection timing out. The pfodDesigner
generates code that sends back an empty response, {}, for all
un-recognized commands.
However some pfodDevices
are coded to only handle their expected commands and just ignore all
others, not sending any response. These pfodDevices will timeout
about 10 secs after it connects and start re-connecting, without
displaying the main menu, due to pfodApp sending the {@} command to
enable Date/Time plots and the pfodDevice not responding to it.
the Connections screen and select Add/Edit and open your new
connection. Then un-tick the “Request pfodDevice time {@}”
option, to disable sending the {@} cmd.
You will then be able to
connect and display the main menu, however after about 15sec of doing
nothing the pfodApp will disconnect and start re-connecting again.
This is due pfodApp sending a KeepAlive message after 5 secs on idle
to see if the pfodDevice is still in range.
To fix this, open the
Connections screen and select Add/Edit and open your new connection.
Then set the “KeepAlive in Seconds” to 0 to disable
KeepAlive messages.
Programming Arduino quickly becomes 'Advanced Programming'
Version of Arduino IDE to use?
fails when you add more strings to your Arduino program (and how to
fix it)
wrong with Arduino's flush() - Why you should never call flush()
– Delays are evil, flush() is very evil.
does the sketch I downloaded not run on a compatible Arduino
my Arduino IDE is running very slowly
to change the colour of the Arduino Error Messages
to turn off compiler optimizations in the Arduino IDE (and why you
might need to) – Updated 8th
March 2015 to
work with all IDE versions.
to see the Assembler instructions your Arduino Code is producing.
to write Timings and Delays in Arduino (Why your program might fail
after 50 days).
Non-ASCII chars in Arduino and other
- Read Analog values reliably without holding up the
Switches – How to detect a clean switch change in Arduino
to reliably restart Arduino when connected to a battery backed RTC
(real time clock) module – How
to clear/reset the I2C bus.
If pfodApp has trouble re-connecting to your BLE device, use the nRF Connect app to connect first. Deleting and re-creating the connection in pfodApp also works.
If you have trouble connecting to your BLE
device try these steps:-
i) Check out the “Help
pfodApp has stopped working” tips above.
ii) Move closer
to your BLE device, you may be out of range.
ii) Turn off all
other Android devices. One of them may be holding the
iii) Open Settings on your Android mobile and click on
the Bluetooth option (make sure Bluetooth is turned on) and then
“Search for Devices” OR “Pair new device”.
NOTE: You don't want to pair a BLE device, just have you mobile find
it. If you cannot see your device there, the you cannot connect, see
points i) and ii) above. If the Bluetooth Setting finds your BLE
device, go back to pfodApp and connect to it.
iv) Try turning
Bluetooth OFF, restarting your mobile and then turn Bluetooth ON
again. This clears out the mobiles bluetooth software.
v) Install
Nordic's nRF
UART V2.0 app from Google Play and see if it can connect.
Parses for the pfod messages sent by the pfodApp are currently available for Arduino here.
The Protocol For Operation Discovery (pfod) is simple request/response protocol for use with micro-controllers. Think HTML replacement, but with a much simpler format and much shorter messages designed for ease of coding in a micro processor. The pfodApp functions as micro-browser and the pfodDevice is the micro-server.
You can just connect to your PC via bluetooth to test out how your micro-pages will be displayed on the pfodApp and what message will be returned when the users makes selections. See Serial Bluetooth Connections from your Mobile Phone to you PC for details on making bluetooth connections from you mobile to Window, Mac and Linux.
pfodWifiConfigV1 Deprecated – See ESP32 / ESP8266 Auto WiFi Config – How to connect to your local network without reprogramming and also see pfodWifiWebConfig used in Cheap and Simple WiFi Shield
This pfodApp has intentional limitations in functionality and the software will have unintentional coding errors. It must NOT be used in any situation where there is any risk of personal injury or damage to property.
All implementations of pfod provided by Forward
Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. (Forward), either as, but not limited
to, applications, devices or example code, are provided “as is”
and are not warranted to be fit for any purpose.
To the extent
allowed by the law, Forward and its Directors, Employees and Agents'
only obligation, liability and/or remedy, with respect to any claim
shall be to refund the license fee paid to Forward.
This Product Warning and Limitation of Liability
shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of New South Wales,
Australia, notwithstanding the application of any jurisdiction's
choice-of-law rules to the contrary. Any action relating to this must
be brought in the state or federal courts located in New South Wales,
In the event legal action is brought, the prevailing
party shall recover its reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and
expenses, including, but not limited to, fees, costs and expenses of
collecting any judgement.
The copyright in this document and in any implementations of pfod provided by Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. (Forward), either as, but not limited to, applications, devices or example code is owned by Forward under the copyright laws of the Australia, the Universal Copyright Convention, and the Berne Convention.
is a trademark of Google Inc, For use of the
Arduino name see http://arduino.cc/en/Main/FAQ
The General Purpose Android/Arduino Control App.
pfodDevice™ and pfodApp™ are trade marks of Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd.
by Matthew Ford - 3th August 2024
(original 21st July 2012)
© Forward Computing and
Control Pty. Ltd. NSW Australia
All rights reserved.
you want to be notified of updates to this site, send me an email via
the Contact link above.
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