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pfodApp V3

Arduino controlled by Android via pfodApp

Coronavirus Update Charts
When I Catch the Coronavirus -- Be Already Vaccinated and then Anti-Virals and High Dose Vitamin C

The Best Headphones for Airplane Travel

Antlr 4.2.2 Lexer for Android

Java/J2EE Programming
InterfaceClassFinder V1.0 New 7th Jan. 2009
WebStringTemplates V1.5 Updated 25th Jan. 2004
Gui Utils for Java GUI Applications Updated 7th Jan. 2006
Input Validation Tips Utility to let your users know the correct format for input.
Tips and Guidelines for Java GUI Applications Updated 23rd Oct. 2004
Java Logging, Error Recovery, Multi-level Undo/Redo
Programming with Java V1.5 Threads Updated 7th Jan. 2006
How to Stop a Thread or a Task New 1st Jan. 2006
Java Installation Aids for Windows Updated 15th May 2003.

GAUSS© Products

Installing Linux on Toshiba SatellitePro 6100
Freebees:- For ISP's

Free Program to Protect Your Super Updated 5th June 2017
How I protect my superannuation against falls in the share market.

pfodApp and High Power Torches

Hewlett Packard HP 32S Owner's Manual (pdf)

About Us
Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd.
specialises in Java programming, modelling, simulation, numerical software algorithms, control system design and GAUSS programming.
Dr Matthew Ford - Director and Principal Consultant
Legal Disclaimer: I do not hold a Financial Advisor's Licence and nothing on this website should be considered as recommending any particular course of action to anyone else.

Just for Fun

A programmer's wife got up one morning and said.
"I feel like a UI this morning"
"I may be functional, but I am not very friendly"
"I am liable to blow up at any moment"

matthew ford, 2015

Men aren't afraid of being seen naked.
They're afraid someone will laugh!

– matthew ford, circa 1990

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WebStringTemplates, Parallel, Simgauss, DataWiz, QueGauss, FastSort and CtrlGauss are trademarks of Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd.   GAUSS and GAUSS Engine are trademarks of Aptech Systems, Inc.   Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.   Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.